"So grateful for all the presenters & their sharing of their struggles & the hope for reconciliation"
"This program saved our marriage and is a BLESSING!"
"This is life changing. Thank you for helping our marriage."
"Extremely grateful for the Retrouvaille community & their heartfelt struggles. You are an inspiration"
"Thank you! I’m grateful for my self and kids!!"
"Thank you to the team for their commitment, support, and hard work to help us and our marriage"
"Thank you for changing my life."
"The Preist and presenters were excellent!! They ran the program so smoothly and efficiently. The couples very respectful to all of us and they gave us tremendous hope for our relationship. Looking forward to the follow up meetings. Thanks a bunch!!"
"Thank you for testimonies, the tools, & dialogue technique… and most important informing us that forgiveness, trust and love is a DECISION… We love and are grateful for the program. In Jesus Name…"
"This was an amazing weekend, it is very helpful to hear the presenters express what I am feeling and to know you’re not alone and can survive."
"God bless all of you and thank you for reminding me just how lucky I am to have my wife."
"Thank you, this has really helped us move the needle towards repair"
"Thank you for these awesome techniques, the writing method was very effective and a cleansing, with a lot of healing. There is also something very spiritual and magical about this venue space."
"Retrouvaille Gave us a whole new look on our marriage. After so many years in our marriage we learned how much we had damaged each other and disrespected our commitment and we had offended our Lord. Thank you"